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Taking It To The Streets is an Outreach Ministry that go around to Homeless Shelters and volunteer to cook and feed the Homeless, bringing love to those in our Prison Ministry, Domestic Violence Shelters, etc….  To feed their Physical as well as their Spiritual Bodies.  No matter what their situations are, GOD still loves you.  You can always “Look to the hills, from whence cometh your help, for ALL your help comes from the Lord”, (Psalm 121)

Our Ministry Leaders keep track of the New Converts from the Taking It To The Streets, Tent Revivals.  Paul mentions that he is like a spiritual parent to the new believers: “But we proved to be gentle among you, as a nursing mother tenderly cares for her own children” (1 Thessalonians 2:7)

But when a person accepts Christ, our work is only just beginning. The first few years — and even the first 24 hours — are vital in establishing a new believer’s walk with the Lord.


The process of helping a new believer grow in his faith is often called “follow-up.” During this time, new believers can begin to grow in maturity and learn to become multiplying disciples — Christians who help others come to Christ and grow in their new faith.



In the first chapter of 1 Thessalonians, Paul prayed for his disciples, confident that God was going to complete the work He started in them. Throughout the gospels, Jesus also prayed for His disciples.

In the same way, it is important for us to pray for new believers, trusting God to work in their lives. Praying with them shows that we care for them. It also gives them an example of what it looks like to communicate with God.

Fellowship with other believers

Another part of follow-up is introducing new believers to other Christians who can encourage them and support them in this new phase of life. Invite new believers to come to your Bible study or church. If you are meeting with them to go through follow-up materials, ask some of your Christian friends to come too. This way they can make new friends, hear different perspectives and learn from others.


Don’t forget the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit’s role is essential. Help new believers understand who the Holy Spirit is and what it means to walk in the Spirit’s power, not their own power. If we try to live the Christian life on our own, we will just fall away.

As soon as possible, make a transition from sharing the gospel to initiating follow-up. New believers might have questions and doubts, and it’s important to support and encourage them right away. Offer a specific meeting time and make it easy for them to say “yes.”


In follow-up, we can play an important part, but ultimately it is God who is doing the work. Don’t be offended if people aren’t interested. God is the one who is pursing them and He will bring about fruit. He has promised in His Word to bring about the good work that He has begun in us.